Revere Youth Baseball and Softball - Parent Code of Conduct
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Parent Code of Conduct



Believing that the parents or guardians play a pivotal role in the baseball and the social development of a child, we have implemented the following parent and guardian code of conduct.


  • I will remember that the game is for the boys and girls, not the adults.  I will not force my child to participate if they do not want to participate.
  • I and my guests will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike behavior during any game or practice with any official, coach, manager, player, or parent such as taunting, arguing, criticizing, physical contact, swearing or obscene gestures.
  • I realize that my child belongs to a team that depends on my child attending practices and games and I will commit to getting my child to practice or games on time and on a consistent basis.  If my child cannot make practices or games on a consistent basis, I will communicate this with the manager or coach.  I understand that the coach or manager has the right to take appropriate disciplinary actions if my childs inability to be punctual is detrimental to the team such as reduced playing time or not starting.
  • I will inform the manager, coach or league of any physical or emotional needs, illness, sickness or allergy that might affect the safety or well-being of my child, their teammates, coaches or managers.
  • I will teach my child to treat all players, coaches, managers, officials and spectators with respect.
  • I want a safe environment for my child that is free from drugs and alcohol and pledge that I, and my guests, will refrain from its use at games, practices, or family events at the Revere Youth Baseball and Softball fields.
  • I will do my best to refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practice unless I am one of the official team coaches or managers.

Any parent, guardian or guest engaging in improper conduct or behavior may be asked to leave the game or practice.  Repeat violations or serious violations that jeopardize the well-being of any player, manager, coach, official, parent or spectator may result in the offender forfeiting the PRIVILEGE of attending games or practices.